Friday, January 3, 2020

The Slavery Of The North And South Between 1700 And 1799

In the Western countries including America, most of the nations incorporated provisions for slavery within their structure of governance. As slavery took roots in the North and South between 1700 and 1799, it influenced political, social and economic structures of the two regions throughout the 18th century. Towards the end of 17th century, European masters embarked on granting independence to their colonies. As the European colonies in the North gained independence, residents of the independent states acquired cheap land that was left by their colonial masters. As workers were needed to work on the land and build new towns, some of the families sold some of their children to provide labor (Goldin, Cameron Balarajan, 2011). Furthermore, during the time of colonization, American colonies in the North recognized compulsory labor; thus prompting most of the masters to hire fellow Americans or Europeans as laborers. Although some of the Africans provided labor in the North during this t ime, the colonial government did not recognize perpetual servitude for the Africans. However, with the decline in the number of laborers, the colonial government was quick to pass a law that contributed to the enslavement of Africans and their children residing in the North. Furthermore, by 1700, most of the states in the North adopted laws aimed at regulating slaves and servants (Morris, 1999). According to research, the Dutch and English masters played a significant role in enslavingShow MoreRelatedAlexander Hamilton And Jefferson s Ideals Essay1824 Words   |  8 Pagesfor agricultural reasons, but can also be attributed to how some colonists saw Native Americans as inferiors. There are a number of conflicts between the colonists and Native Americans, but one that most applies to the situation here involves conflicts with the Tuscarora Indians in North Carolina. 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